
Establishing, managing and marketing forests for over 40 years.

TAML Forestry’s key staff are members of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry (MNZIF), offering a wide range of experience and expertise across all aspects of forestry.


Morris Fisher established what is now known as TAML Forestry over 40 years ago, physically planting, tending, and managing forests; more recently Kelly Coghlan joined Morris to help further develop the services for their customers.

Morris & Kelly’s collective experience, working at the coalface of growing and harvesting forests means they provide forest owners with practical solutions and advice across all aspects of forestry.

Morris & Kelly have a genuine passion for ensuring all private forest owners achieve best outcomes from their forest investment.


Over the next 10 years New Zealand Forest harvest levels are scheduled to increase as the mid-nineties plantings mature. A large percentage of this increase harvest will come from private regional forest owners, being first rotation forests forward planning is the key to a successful harvest.


Many Forest Owners have no idea of the value of their forest / woodlot investment or how they will ensure best commercial outcomes, talk to TAML for best independent advice. 

TAML offers comprehensive forest services across all aspects of forestry, based on proven experience.


With a shortage of forestry contractors, the option for TAML to start a harvesting crew of our own in the Taranaki region was undertaken. With configurations of gear suited to small woodlots as well as plantation forests the versatility of what is know as Taranaki Logger Ltd is very beneficial.


Our team are members of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry (MNZIF), offering a wide range of experience and expertise across all aspects of forestry.


Principal / Director

Kelly provides over 30 years’ experience working in the industry specialising in harvesting & marketing of private forest. Experienced gained from working with various NZ corporate forestry companies. Kelly previously managed log exports from Wellington for over 20 years and had the privilege to visit all international log markets. Kelly offers experience in forest financial budgeting, reporting and administration, along with project and management expertise across all aspects of forestry.

Email: kelly@tamlforestry.co.nz

Shareholder / Forest Manager

Morris who founded TAML Forestry in 1980, with over 50 years in the forestry industry, since joining the NZ Forest Service in 1966. Morris’ vision and passion for forestry now evident with the establishment of over 3,000 ha’s of private forests in Taranaki, which he has personally established and managed. Morris commitment to the industry and his clients has stood the test of time over 40 years of developing personal client relationships.

Email: tree4u@xtra.co.nz


Administration Accounts Manager

Ashleigh manages all the administration and accounts for TAML Forestry. After completing her Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) at Victoria University of Wellington, has since gained 10+ years accounting and financial auditing experience across a range of not-for-profit and profit industries. From family connections she has grown a passion for the forestry industry, and now brings strong expertise to the TAML Forestry team.  

Email: ashleigh@tamlforestry.co.nz


Director / Shareholder

Tim joined the New Zealand Forest Service in 1968, Experience in Forest Management and Investment over a number of years.

This Experience involves Multi-faceted Roles in Project Identification and Initiation in both the Public and Private Sectors; Forest Establishment, Silviculture, Harvesting, Log and Lumber Marketing, and Forest Investment.

Shareholder / Registered Forestry Consultant

Hamish is a Southern North Island forest owner, a Fellow of the NZ Institute of Forestry and Registered Forestry Consultant. Previously, he held senor Government positions, served on the Council of the NZ Institute of Forestry. Currently he is as a National Executive member of the NZ Farm Forestry Association (NZFFA) in which he represented on the 2013 Board that established the NZ Forest Growers Levy Trust.

Featured on stuff.co.nz

“The chainsaw-loving Taranaki forestry worker who planted a million trees”

Featured in the Business Rural North Summer 2022

“TAML Forestry & Collier Farm: Together over three generations”

Featured in the Farm Forestry New Zealand – Market Report May 2024

“Market Report May 2024 – Kelly Coghlan”